How to Change Yarn Colors While Crocheting

This is a quick post to show you how I change my yarn colors while I work on an Elf on the Shelf for my boys.

On the last sc of the row I start it like normal. I insert hook into the stitch, yarn over, pull up a loop and then I switch to the next color.How to change yarn color

At this point I will pull through with my new color. That way that last stitch of the row has been completed and the next row can be started with the new color.How to change yarn color

This is how it will look after a couple rows are done. Some people may have OCD and hate the transition but I am ok with it. How to change yarn color

Just to clarify my project is currently inside out so the color change you see is actually the right side that you will see when completed.

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Happy Hookin’
