How to Change Yarn Colors While Crocheting

This is a quick post to show you how I change my yarn colors while I work on an Elf on the Shelf for my boys.

On the last sc of the row I start it like normal. I insert hook into the stitch, yarn over, pull up a loop and then I switch to the next color.How to change yarn color

At this point I will pull through with my new color. That way that last stitch of the row has been completed and the next row can be started with the new color.How to change yarn color

This is how it will look after a couple rows are done. Some people may have OCD and hate the transition but I am ok with it. How to change yarn color

Just to clarify my project is currently inside out so the color change you see is actually the right side that you will see when completed.

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Happy Hookin’


Pokeball Beanie – Free Crochet Pattern

For all the Pokemon fans out there. I have finally finished the Pokeball beanie to match the Pokeball scarf. I know that the band is supposed to be black and the bottom should be white, but I was running out of black and stuck on the ship so I improvised. I used the preschool sized Basic Striped Beanie by Nicole Bencker at and added my Pokeball applique to it. Her pattern is extremely easy to follow and works up fast. I can’t wait to make more beanies in all different colors.Pokeball Beanie Materials I Used:

Red Heart Soft

Crochet Hook 5mm

Susan Bates Plastic Yarn Needle

Pokeball Basic Beanie

You can get the full free pattern on Nicole Bencker’s Ravelry.

I listed below the color changes I used to resemble the Pokeball.

Rounds 1-14 – Red

Rounds 15-17 – White

Rounds 18-20 – Red

For a true Pokeball look you would do the following color changes:

Rounds 1-14 – Red

Rounds 15-17 – Black

Rounds 18-20 – White

Pokeball Applique This will be worked in the round.

Using black yarn.

Row 1: CH4, SL ST in 1st CH

Row 2: CH 3, 9 DC in the middle, SL ST in the top of the CH 3 (10)

Row 3: CH3, DC in the same ST, 2 DC in the top of each DC around, SL ST in the top of CH 3 (20).

Fasten off.

Using white yarn.

Row 1: CH4, SL ST in 1st CH

Row 2: CH 3, 9 DC in the middle, SL ST in the top of the CH 3 (10)

Fasten off. Sew the white on top of the black and then sew the appliqué onto the beanie.

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Happy Hookin’
