Stanwood Needlecraft Yarn Ball Winder – Review

I received a Stanwood Needlecraft yarn ball winder for my birthday about a month ago and absolutely love it. It took about 30 seconds to set up right out of the box and I was off, winding all the yarn I had just purchased for my Sunday Shawl. I hold the yarn while winding it to keep it tight and incase there is a knot on my line the ball wont unravel on the winder while I try to fix the knot. It takes me aproximately 3 minutes and 49 seconds to wind 2.6 oz of yarn into an awesome center pull ball. Yes, I timed myself with my trusty flip phone. This specific model can wind up to 4 oz of yarn and can be used alone or in conjunction with the Stanwood Needlecraft Wooden Umbrella Swift Yarn Winder. I love that it is small enough that I can leave it attached to the counter all the time and it is not in the way. That is a big plus for me because I would be way too lazy to get it out and put it away everytime I wanted to use it. I am too busy crocheting awesome things to be messing with all that back and forth.Yarn Ball Winder(The background picture is a project my husband did for a client. Please ignore if it offends you.) Yarn Ball Winder Yarn Ball Winder Yarn Ball Winder

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